Castle Cornet’s medieval day is back, with the Fete d’Etai (pronounced 'fight debt eye') being held on Sunday 18 August as a celebration of the island’s spectacular castle and its medieval origins.
It will be a packed day of things to see and do, with activities, crafts, storytelling and live music. And, just like in previous years, admission is free for those who arrive in medieval dress.
Members of Jersey group The Duke's Leopards will return to the Middle Ward to set up a small medieval camp with a cooking area. Here, visitors can learn about medieval food, play games and more.
Joining them is live action role play group Tol Galen, who will be providing entertainment in the form of sword fights and displays of weapons and armour. For those wanting something a little gentler, visitors can try the ancient skill of willow weaving with local artist Rae Bearder.
Other events of the day will include the ever popular, light-hearted, interactive living-history show Knight School. Young squires (and their accompanying adults) are invited to show off their chivalry, bravery, and strength in two special performances at 12:15 and 14:30.
The young and young at heart are equally invited to join storyteller Richard York, who is returning to the island especially for the event. A talented musician with an encyclopaedic memory, Richard's unique way of storytelling captivates both children and adults alike.
Normal admission applies: £11 for adults and £3 for children or students. Under 7's go free. Those in medieval costume (as approved by the welcomer at the Castle gate), Discovery Pass holders and their accompanying under 18's also enter free of charge.
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